Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brande Nicole Denson Our Hero

I remember so clearly Brande's 17th birthday. She got out of bed and came into the kitchen where I was doing my daily whatever moms do. I ask her what she wanted to do for her birthday and she replied. I want to go and give blood with you mom. What a great gift to give on someone's birthday. So not about her.... I am so proud of brande and will have information on the people she has helped by donating her organs. My little girl is quite the hero and i love her. Please keep her recipiants in your prayers that they might be healed by Gods loving grace and Brande's giving heart.



Thank you for your heartfelt concern and all of your love for our daughter.
Sherry Sellers, Phillip Sellers


Deanna said...

Hi Sherry and Phil,
I came here to see if you had posted. Guess I just wanted to see how you're doing without bothering you. I know it was a crazy weekend with so many people there but now that it's quiet I hope ya'll are doing okay. I still have my pink and black flowered toenails! You're in out thoughts and prayers!
Bill and Deanna

Meredith Michael Castleberry said...

You and your family have been and will continue to be in our prayers. I am so sorry for your loss. There are angels amongst us, and your precious Brande seems to have been one here on Earth and now is one in Heaven.
May God continue to give you strength through your faith in him.
Amy Pettiette Castleberry
(Jeff and Marilyn's daughter)

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful picture of Brande!!

Any idea yet about the lady whose friend had a possible match... do u know if she got her transplant? That would just be too kewl to find out her donor turned out to be your Brande!! (giving you chills again, huh?) I can't wait to learn what you find out about the recipients & I pray they have success w/ their transplants & healing in their lives!

I found out yesterday that my friend's mom works at the school w/ Phil... and one of your boys is in her class. Small world!!

Let me know when you want to have lunch. Feel free to call me any time. I'm here for you!


Sherry Denson Sellers Brande Nicole Denson said...

Brande I miss you.
love mom

Sherry Denson Sellers Brande Nicole Denson said...

I miss your physical body but I know your energy and love are with me each day of my earthly life. I feel your presence continously throughout my day. I love you always my angel. Love mom.....